Tongwei Corp Again Appraised as Top 500 Most Valuable Trademarks of China

  China Brand Research Institute officially publicized the third list of Top 500 Chinese Trademarks on October 1. In the list Tongwei Corp stands out abreast with other renowned domestic trademarks suh as ICBC, BOC, Lenovo, Huawei Technologies, CITIC, Ping’an, FAW and Baosteel as the most valuable Chinese native trademarks.

  This time, the Top 500 trademarks are distributed among 20 trades including IT, finance, home appliances, apparel, daily chemical, food, tobacco and alcohol, agricultura materials, real estate, energy chemical, auto machinery, hardware & building materials, sports products, home products and jewelry, etc. The auto machinery sector has the largest number (93) of trademarks put up on the billboard, followed by the tobacco & alcohol and then the apparel sectors, respectively 61 and 49. Tongwei Corp, with a trademark falling under the agricultural materials category and ranking the 162nd, was the only feeds producer among the 16 agricultural materials suppliers on the billboard. This has fully testified the irreplaceable superiority and value of Tongwei brand in the sector.

  Given that the trademark and brand value, as an intangible asset of a company, is gaining importance for the capital market, China Brand Research Institute is continuously improving the evaluatin system, and their appraisal of trademarks and brands is getting stricter and more scientific. This time, the institute was believed to have evaluated 1,119 famous native trademarks through data originating entirely from the financial statements of listd companies, trade organizations or government statistics. It mainly relied on the present value of earnings and also projected the protential excess profit in future based on the profit ratios of the companies over the past two years; meanwhile, it also took into account the industry features, market outlook, market position and history of the brand. In this way, 500 trademarks were finally identified to have the highest values for the billboard of the Top 500 Chinese Trademarks in Value.