Having Been Leading the Industry Development, Tongwei New Energy Attracts CCTV Spotlight Again

On September 28, CCTV-2 "Zhengdiancaijing" (Finance News on Time) launched a special report titled Photovoltaic Industry Investigation with a focus on the manufacturing and marketing of Inner Mongolia Tongwei High-purity Crystalline Silicon Co., Ltd. This year, CCTV has shined a spotlight on the industrial development and innovative strength of Tongwei New Energy for 8 times. The sustained attention of media authority fully demonstrates the great development strength of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises represented by Tongwei.

According to the CCTV news report, there is a very busy packaging line for silicon production in the workshop of Inner Mongolia Tongwei, with all the production lines running at full capacity. Currently, the packages of high-purity crystalline silicons are the main raw materials for solar panels, which are transmitted continuously through the conveyor belts. At the entrance of Inner Mongolia Tongwei's warehouse, many trucks are orderly lining outside for loading, and forklifts are constantly transporting products from the warehouse to the trucks.

Zhang Xisong, Executive Vice General Manager of Inner Mongolia Tongwei, was being interviewed by CCTV

Zhang Xisong, Executive Vice General Manager of Inner Mongolia Tongwei, told the CCTV reporter that the enterprise had basically got no inventory, and the produced silicon would be delivered immediately. The existing silicon products would not be sold on the shelves but transported to downstream customers as soon as possible. Due to the strong demand from downstream customers, the silicon was fully ordered early in the month.