Sun Xuetao, Member of the Standing Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Visited Tongwei

On August 27, a delegation from Gansu visited Tongwei. The members of the delegation included Sun Xuetao, member of the Standing Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Liu Quanping, Deputy Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Gansu Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Guo Qizhi, Chairman of the Gansu Federation of Industry and Commerce. They were accompanied by Tang Qiang, Deputy Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce. The visitors were warmly received by Liu Hanyuan, Deputy to the NPC, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tongwei Group, and Liu Shuqi, Chairperson and CEO of Tongwei Co., Ltd.

Visiting "Tongwei Red · Caring Home"

Led by Sun Xuetao, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, the delegation first visited "Tongwei Red · Caring Home". After listening to the introduction of Tongwei Group's ideas on united front work, the five "Caring" action results, the united front work of buildings and the "Tongwei Red" Party building brand, Sun Xuetao highly affirmed the Group's united front work and said that as an outstanding example of private enterprises, Tongwei Group has attached great importance to Party building work, actively explored and innovated effective measures for united front work, created a national united front work demonstration base, and accumulated new experience that can be replicated and promoted for the united front work of private enterprises.

Visiting the Group's Experience Center

During the visit to the Group Experience Center, Sun Xuetao had in-depth exchanges with Mr. Liu Hanyuan on topics such as the development of PV technology, the "Integration of Fishery and PV" development model, and the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" practice. Mr. Liu Hanyuan said that at present, in terms of economic effect, carbon emission reduction, energy input and output, and national energy and foreign exchange security, renewable energy represented by PV has already met the overall conditions for large-scale application and replacement of fossil energy, and thus it has become the main force in promoting the realization of the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goal and global energy transition and upgrading. In the context of pursuit of carbon neutrality, PV power generation may serve as the main source of primary energy in the future, with a maximum share of 60%-70%. With this trend, Tongwei will continue to deepen the PV new energy industry, strengthen technological innovation, strive to accelerating the realization of the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goal, and promote global energy transition.

Sun Xuetao highly praised the achievements of Tongwei's industrial development, as well as its technological innovation strength and green and sustainable development philosophy. He also said that the development of green and low-carbon industries represented by PV serves not only as an essential requirement for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, but also a powerful measure to fully serve the country's "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategy. As a global leader in the PV sector, Tongwei has carried on intelligent and green development, and actively promoted the high-quality development of China's PV industry, especially the world's first "Integration of Fishery and PV" development model, which provides a "Tongwei model" for local green development and innovative development. Located in an inland area, Gansu can fully learn from Tongwei's "Integration of Fishery and PV" model to develop water surface PV. Through the coverage of PV panels, water evaporation can be reduced, clean energy can be provided for surrounding agricultural production, and it can ultimately achieve multiple benefits of water saving, land saving, and clean energy use. He hopes to strengthen exchanges and communication with outstanding companies such as Tongwei in the future, and actively explore a new path of green development with beautiful ecology, prosperous industry, and rich people.

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